SAS Pilot Group (SPG) is a transnational pilot organization representing pilots operating for Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). SPG is founded by Dansk Pilotforening (DPF), Norske SAS-flygeres Forening (NSF), Scandinavian Norge Flygerforening (SNF) and Svensk Pilotförening (SPF).
The organization was founded 16 January 2018, and is based on “Hurdalserklæringen” of that date: ”On 16 January 2018 DPF, NSF, SNF and SPF established SAS Pilot Group (SPG). All existing and new members of DPF, NSF, SNF and SPF SAS-sektionen are automatically members of SPG. Our vision is to reach one (1) Collective Labour Agreement and one (1) union for all SAS pilots. From here on forward we will meet SAS as one counterpart and commit ourselves to make agreements with SAS only after acceptance from all four pilot unions.”
SPGs aim is to form a strong alliance of all SAS pilots through the organization. The SPG member associations will work towards the ultimate goal of SPG being the organization which will represent all Scandinavian Airlines pilots and have bargaining rights for the collective agreements for all SPG pilots.